Tuesday, July 27, 2010

When the Common Becomes Mighty...

I am just an ordinary person that does everyday, ordinary things. I'm just like you. We may all look different, act different, sound different but at our core, we are people who all are cut from same fabric.
Its amazing to me to read different scripture that teaches that God wants to use us and that God has plans for us because after all we're just human. A MIGHTY GOD, creator of the universe, Ruler of All, Lord of Life... wants to use us.... How?
It all makes sense when you realize that the common things and people become mighty when God anoints them! God simply wants to use what He has placed in our hands... we just have to be willing to be used and let Him touch through us. Listen to what Jesus said here in the book of Acts...

Acts 4:30 Stretch out your hand with healing power; may miraculous signs and wonders be done through the name of your holy servant Jesus.

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